CJAG Listserver
The CJAG Listserver is one of several methods we use to communicate with our members.
To join (subscribe to) the CJAG listserver:
Send an email to listserve@listserv.uga.edu with a one line message (the body of the message, not the address line) that reads:
subscribe CJAG-L firstname lastname
example: subscribe CJAG-L joe smith
Ensure that the message does not contain ANY other information, including an address or signature line. Only the “subscribe” message above should be contained in the message.
To be removed (unsubscribe) from the CJAG listserver:
Send an email to listserve@listserv.uga.edu with a one line message (the body of the message, not the address line) that reads:
delete CJAG-L firstname lastname
example: delete CJAG-L joe smith
Ensure that the message does not contain ANY other information, including an address or signature line. Only the “delete message above should be contained in the message.